5 Myths About Food and Nutrition

Myths about food and nutrition

There are many medically unfounded misconceptions we hear about food intake and weight loss on a daily basis. This has given rise to countless food myths that can compromise your health and that of your patients. 

Phrases such as “lose weight effortlessly” or “avoid drinking water during meals” are heard more frequently every day, which has generated doubts and drastic changes in the eating habits of those who, due to ignorance, put these beliefs into practice, without first going to a professional.  

Today we will clarify all your doubts and demolish five food myths that you have surely heard. Keep reading!

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Where do food myths come from? 

Over the years, various erroneous beliefs have been generated regarding the consumption of some foods and their benefits for the body. This has made them settle in the collective imagination as absolute truths. 

Although science has dismantled some of these food myths, there are many people who, with the premise of keeping fit and leading a healthier life, cling to erroneous nutritional recommendations and do not contemplate the damage that these may cause to their health. Health. 

In these times when technology has made important advances, these myths have gained even more strength, reaching more people in a short time through social networks and web pages without theoretical foundations, which completely ignore the importance of nutrition. for good health.

In this article, we will demolish five myths about food that are quite widespread, but that do not have the theoretical bases that support them: 

5 myths of Food and Nutrition

If at any time you have considered implementing any of these assumptions in your diet, either to lose weight or obtain some benefit, continue reading and learn why these data about food are false

Myth 1: “ The consumption of lemon and grapefruit helps you burn fat”

“Drinking a glass of warm water with a few drops of lemon or grapefruit juice on an empty stomach helps you lose weight.” This says a myth widely spread through different nutrition and health websites. But it is false since neither grapefruit nor lemon has body fat-diluting properties. However, medical studies assure that due to their low caloric level and high content of vitamins and fiber, they can mitigate hunger and therefore reduce food consumption.  

Myth 2: “ Brown sugar is healthier than white”

Another of the five food myths that we will deal with today is the one that dictates that consuming brown sugar is much healthier than preferring white sugar. There is nothing more false than this since both belong to the group of “sucroses” and the differences in their caloric value are minimal. Several medical studies affirm that the excess consumption of either of the two can cause coronary diseases, obesity and diabetes. 

Myth 3: “ Drinking water between meals makes you fat”

Water has no calories, therefore it does not make you gain weight. On the contrary, frequent consumption of this liquid contributes to the good health of your kidneys. According to a study carried out by the Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, drinking water during meals helps reduce caloric intake, which makes it a solution when it comes to losing weight. 

Myth 4: “ Eating eggs increases your weight”

The egg is a food with a very low caloric load, contrary to what many believe. Its intake provides only 5 g of fat and 70 kcal, so it does not represent any risk in increasing your weight. Now, it is necessary to clarify that the excess consumption of any food can lead you to gain weight. The key is to adjust the portions according to the number of calories that should be consumed per day and watch the fat consumption with which it is cooked. 

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has recognized this food as one of the most beneficial, thanks to its nutritional contribution to the body. Make sure to include it in your daily diet!

Myth 5: “Consuming gluten makes you gain weight”

Gluten is a natural protein present in several cereal-based foods. Suddenly removing it from your diet, without any compelling reason, can cause deficiencies in your body. Although you may notice weight loss when you stop eating these foods, what causes it is not having stopped consuming gluten, but those foods rich in carbohydrates that mostly contain this protein. 

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Which “myths” are actually real?

After having demystified beliefs and demolished false data about food, below we will cite four statements that can be useful to you to improve habits and take care of your health.

Intermittent fasting helps you meet your weight goals

Intermittent fasting is a method that, if implemented properly, can help you lose weight and also help you have a balanced and healthy eating routine. It basically consists of alternating meals, portions and caloric loads during different periods. This is achieved by suspending the intake of any food for a longer time than usual. According to specialists, you can lose between 2 and 4 kilos in just ten weeks. 

Remember that fasting should not be taken lightly, as not all people are suitable for this treatment. It is recommended to see a professional before implementing this diet. 

A glass of wine during meals prevents diseases

Wine contributes to better heart health, strengthens bones, delays the signs of aging and prevents the development of different types of cancer. Additionally, antioxidant properties are attributed to it. Avoid excesses and enjoy a drink a day to stay healthy!

If you want to lose weight, increase the times you eat and decrease the portions

Increasing the number of daily meals and decreasing the portion in each one of them makes possible a better distribution of all the nutrients. It is recommended to eat 5 times a day, with 3 large meals and 2 snacks or snacks in between. Remember that it is important to include energy balance when programming your diet. 

All bodies and metabolisms are different and require a food plan tailored to their needs. If you suffer from a medical condition such as hypertension, it is good that you know what foods are good for high blood pressure.


Now you know what are the most widespread myths in the field of nutrition and the potential danger they pose to leading a healthy life. Remember that there are many methods to have a healthy diet and that they are backed by abundant scientific evidence. Do not start diets without first going to a nutritionist.

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