<style>.lazy{display:none}</style>How to successfully search for a job on Linkedin. 11 keys you should know | Money Investors
Successfully search for a job on LinkedIn

If you are unemployed, learning how to look for a job on Linkedin is one of the best options you should make.

Not surprisingly, Linkedin is the largest professional B2B social network in the world and, without a doubt, the most important one in which you should be whether you are looking to do business and look for clients or if you are looking for a job.

For many reasons:

  • It is the best platform to establish professional contacts that help you find a job on Linkedin: human resources, executives, managers, etc.
  • You can find vacancies and job offers on Linkedin that help you leave your unemployment situation behind.
  • You can position yourself as an expert in your area of ​​​​Know-how with the contents, thus optimizing your strategy on Linkedin to search for a job.

Of course, if you want to use Linkedin to find a job, you must take action and design your personal job search strategy:

  • Establishing a good network of contacts and creating long-term relationships
  • contributing your personal value
  • showing your knowledge and Know-How
  • working for a constant active search
  • and above all, without being invasive

Do not forget that this B2B social network already has more than 900 million professionals worldwide, so differentiation should become your best weapon when looking for a job on Linkedin.

You must stand out from the rest to opt for the different job offers on Linkedin with an advantage and that is achieved through a good profile and continuous interaction and work.

Education, experience, training, skills and competencies are some of the aspects most valued by recruiters, so make sure you optimize them properly on your Linkedin profile.

  • If you do it right, your profile will appear much earlier in the candidate search processes carried out by recruiters on Linkedin, so you will have more options to find a good job.
  • Otherwise, you will hardly be visible, with the problems that this implies in order to find the best job offers on Linkedin.

Today I want to leave you 11 keys so that your job search process in this B2B social network ends successfully and you get the position you were looking for.

Looking for a job on Linkedin is one of the best options when you are unemployed, as you can reach directly those who make hiring decisions such as HR and/or HeadHunters. Therefore, you should optimize your profile to the maximum and be active on this social network, to get more visibility.

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Why should you use Linkedin to look for a job?

First of all, you must understand that you are not going to find a job on Linkedin, but rather that you are going to find those people who will help you get a job.

It is a subtle but important difference, which is mainly based on the fact that unlike many job search portals, on Linkedin you reach people.

More direct, more real, more human, more personal.

And Linkedin will help you find a job only if you are a person who actively moves on this social network, which will lead you to participate in more personnel selection processes.

Faced with a job portal in which you upload your resume and little else, Linkedin relates your entire profile to your behavior, aptitudes, abilities and, above all, how you relate to others.

It is something that recruiters especially like, so they will not only see your profile, but also your activity, what you talk about, what you are an expert in and how you create relationships from those publications on Linkedin.

If you do it well and stand out, you will be a good candidate for that job thanks to Linkedin, otherwise, you will be just one more.

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11 tips to look for a job on Linkedin and get it

Learning how to look for work on Linkedin is simple, although you must be constant and tenacious and put together a luxury profile that attracts recruiters to you.

Pay attention to these tips for looking for a job on Linkedin

1.- Optimize your profile to find a job on Linkedin

Just like 80% of people search on Google when they want to buy something, a vast majority of recruiters and Head Hunters search Linkedin for candidates for their selection processes.

And realize that when looking for candidates on Linkedin, thousands of people can appear, many of whom are in the process of looking for a job.

That is why you should not only know what a recruiter is looking for, you should build your profile as much as possible to improve your chances of looking for a job on Linkedin.

2.- The professional holder, the key to participating in the selection processes

The Linkedin professional headline is the most important point of your Linkedin profile because in it you reflect on what you do and how you can help your clients/company.

Therefore, never change your headline to indicate that you are looking for a job, but optimize it to express your value as a professional:

  • Who can you help, what can you help them with, how are you going to help them and why you are the ideal candidate for their company.

And never forget about SEO, since it will be the best way for them to find you and thus look for work on Linkedin with more guarantees of success.

3.- The “About”, is essential to get a job on Linkedin

The extract or “About” of Linkedin is a space that will allow you to inform human resources professionals in detail about your professional career.

As before, you should not change it to say that you are looking for a job on Linkedin and you should not put your Curriculum there either.

Far from that, talk about your professional career and those areas in which you are an expert, focusing on your value as a professional, your Know-how and the benefits they will find hiring you.

It is the field that you should promote the most to look for a job on LinkedIn, since its purpose is to attract the attention of HR professionals when they enter your Linkedin profile.

4.- Education and experience, are important to participate in job offers

On a technical level, I will tell you that the same SEO keywords that you have used in your professional headline, you must include in the first two positions so that Linkedin takes them into account.

If you want to appear in the search results, you must apply them in your job search strategy on Linkedin, otherwise, you will hardly have visibility.

Education and experience are two sections that you must complete in detail to report not only the title or position but also to detail what you did in each position.

Experience especially, is essential to participate in job search processes on Linkedin.

5.- Highlight your skills, knowledge and aptitudes

The Linkedin Knowledge and Skills field is increasingly appreciated by recruiters from different companies.

In it you can define up to 50 skills, competencies and aptitudes valued in the personnel selection processes, which obviously must be consistent with your entire Linkedin profile.

In order to use Linkedin to look for a job, this section is very important, so you should take your time to do it well.

6.- Create your custom URL

One of the keys to adapting to job offers on Linkedin is to have a personalized URL, which indicates only what you want to put and not what this social network leaves by default.

Follow these steps to get it:

  • In your profile, go to the top right where it says “Edit URL and public profile
  • By clicking there, it will take you to a screen where it says “Edit the custom URL
  • Simply hit the edit pencil and change it, putting only your first and last name, with nothing else.

7.- Activate the #OpenToWork function to look for a job on Linkedin

Through this option, you are indicating that you are in the process of searching for job offers on Linkedin, which is shown by a green indicator on your profile picture.

To enable it, do the following.

  • In your profile, click on your profile photo
  • In the dropdown, select the option “Add Frame
  • Choose the #OpenToWork option

If you are participating or want to enter the selection processes, this option allows you to indicate that you want to look for a job on Linkedin.

8.- Position yourself as an expert to get a job on Linkedin

Before I told you that the best way to look for a job on Linkedin is through an active search in which you contribute all your value as a professional.

From this perspective, the content publications that you make on Linkedin are essential, since they must provide all the knowledge and value that you can offer to the company that hires you.

Headhunters and human resources professionals value it very positively, so the “Activity” section within your profile becomes critical if you are in the process of looking for a job on LinkedIn.

9.- Request recommendations in your job search on Linkedin

Recommendations are an important section if you are applying for jobs on Linkedin.

For this reason, I recommend that you request them from those companies in which you previously worked or from bosses who are satisfied with the activity you carried out.

Important. A recommendation from a co-worker is useless, in fact, it is counterproductive. Either it is from a higher hierarchical level, or HR does it for you, the rest will be of no use to you.

10.- Make quality contacts

In order to look for a job on Linkedin, I recommend that you study the profile of the company in which you are interested in working and establish a policy to have a good network of contacts :

  • From Human Resources
  • Managers or middle managers
  • Managers or CEO’s

important. Creating a network of contacts is not contacting them and then sending them your Curriculum vitae. That is SPAM and it will have the opposite effect.

The main thing again is to add value, start interacting with them and, in the medium term, tell them that you are using Linkedin to look for a job and ask them if they would mind if you send them your CV.

11.- Use the groups, follow the companies

Finally, I will tell you that it is important that you can follow those companies in which you might be interested in working, in order to find out when they open a personnel selection process on Linkedin.

Similarly, Linkedin groups are an important part in which it can be interesting to participate.

  • Perhaps in those that bring together human resources professionals
  • Where is the target audience that you can help
  • Where are the companies in which you would like to work.
Well, now that you know how to look for work on Linkedin, it’s time to start optimizing your profile and actively participate to get the job of your dreams as soon as possible.

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