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The acquisition of new clients is that activity that is carried out to bring new buyers to your business, helping them to have a better income and therefore to be able to maintain the profitability of the business. In this article, learn what it takes, some tips, examples, and more to attract new customers.
What is new customer acquisition?
Recruitment is the search for new users that we have to transform into total customers. This development of attracting customers has to be an activity that is carried out regularly, but that can also be carried out at certain times through certain campaigns or when our business needs it.
The purpose of attracting new customers is for them to acquire the products or services that a certain company sells, thus helping to create a new source of profit.
Because it is known that the customer is the one who makes the purchases and pays the price of the item that a company offers, for that reason any company has the interest of increasing and attracting a greater number of users, because this is the only way that a business can remain competing within the market and increasing its net profit.
For this reason, the most excellent thing about obtaining new customers is in the end to ensure that they stay and that they have loyalty with the company so that they make their purchases repeatedly.
In other words, to achieve this objective of having customers who show us their loyalty, the company has to focus on providing attention in the best way regarding the needs that the customer can present because otherwise, the result it will have is that you sell it once but then there will be no buyback of the item or service.
An example regarding the campaigns carried out by businesses to attract new customers and which are often particularly attractive occur when a store is opening its doors for the first time, with the appearance of a new item, a seasonal business. that you have to duplicate your work and efforts during the peak season or to capture the attention of bank customers.
Given any of these options, whenever the occasion arises, a collection of information regarding the leads or our strong clients has to be done. These are those individuals who have shown a certain interest in the business. This information is the basis on which we are going to start managing and structuring the link we have with it.

What does it take to attract new customers?
In response to attracting new clients, what is needed to make a company attract new clients is to search for and obtain a great variety of informative data, which helps us to know the following client qualities:
The client’s obligations
Undoubtedly, it is very important to keep in mind and in a clear way, that an obligation or need is a physical or also social deficiency that an individual presents, for this reason, marketing has to take into consideration that this point, if it is known to take advantage of it, it can bring many opportunities and attract customers, that is, it is to focus on the needs, discomforts that people have in a market.
In this way, if a company is aware of all the needs that exist in a market, it becomes easier to program the innovation of an article that manages to focus in an improved way, in the response to all those needs, and this It gives the guarantee of having a lower danger of the business collapsing.
Requests that the client has
On the other hand, the request is the way in which each of the clients specifically wants to satisfy their needs, despite the fact that a large number of individuals present a need that is the same, each one has the particular ideal of a product that satisfies them in order to do so. be able to meet your need.
Of course, if the company makes a product that satisfies, thinking about the specific objectives of its customers, it can complete the needs of its customers in an improved way.
Customer’s ability to pay
In the same way, it must be taken into consideration that it is not suitable for a need to be found within a market that has not been satisfied and to have specified the way in which that market wants to cover that need, in the same way, it is also very important to establish whether the market has the capacity to demand, that is, it has the purchasing power to pay for the prices that are presented.
Agree, only if the market group has the capacity to make purchases can it become a customer for the company and contribute to preserving its beneficiary limit.
How to attract new clients?
In order to attract new customers, first, you have to clearly see who it is. The customer model we want to have your attention from. After this, we will use the AIDA method, which means attraction, importance,
The key point and that we will take as that point to start this process, is to get your attention. This is a very important moment, even more so if it is the first time you are dealing with the client since the first impression you have is the one that will determine later times of the bond that you have with them.
Importance of attracting new customers
Already after having obtained the attention of the new client, importance has to be produced to this and offer some benefit or contribute a value.
Here we are going to focus on the strengths and advantages of the product or service. According to some analysis, an individual needs to perceive between 4 and 7 impressions in advance to make the decision to purchase an item.
How do you know if you receive these impressions?
As mentioned, the current user is multi-optional, and for this reason, our strategies to attract customers must also be the same.
If it is borne in mind, in the same way, that the client is an itinerant, this instrument is an option that is required and of great importance for our tactics. It is an option in which you have to be present.
Here comes the time to finalize the sale. And at this point, the call to action enters, it is that final impulse that our client requires. If the sale is not concluded, do not despair, as long as your information is had and a positive influence has been generated, there are still opportunities. Only new tactical programming will have to be carried out.
Types of potential customers
Here are some types of leads:
Because when talking about a potential customer it can be given in different ways. A traditional explanation of the target audience, in which age, sex and social class were found and these were the fundamental pillars, is no longer able to make a description of the consumer today.
This is because people are now more interrelated, have different avenues and options, as well as more informative data regarding trends, what they prefer, etc. He is in the obligation of restructuring the profile of our potential buyer. The way they behave determines how they use to buy things, their means of communication and the ability they have to have an impact on other users.
After talking a little about these factors, now we will go on to know about the types of potential clients that we can find:
Constant customer
Already after having attracted a new customer, we have to focus our efforts on producing a consumer custom directed to our brand.
It should be noted that the sequence of life that the article has the same impact here. A supermarket is not the same, which gives us the facility to determine a constant relationship with customers to show them on a regular basis all the promotions that are carried out, discounts, among others. To have, for example, a dealer, in this you cannot constantly show the articles.
But this does not mean that there is no possibility of using engagement through cross-selling, showing products that are related, or having control, for example, of the period in which it is necessary to change the tires.
Lead customer
With the technologies that are presented today, they help us to know better about our customers. Apart from their socio-cultural characteristics, consumers can be categorized by the channels they use and the way they do it. Our lead is located on the phone and uses this device on a certain occasion while making a purchase. But you have to know that not all consumers have the same behavior, there are also different types of these.
Influencers client
The most prominent messenger that the brand can possess is the customer. And this is obtained by transforming your lead into a comfortable customer. An example that we can place par excellence is that of the messengers belonging to consumers of Apple maca.
These are exposed in a proud way for being members of this community, and they take the trouble to propagate and encourage the consumption of the different articles and services that this company offers. Very few brands have a commercial network with such a positive effect.
Tips to attract new customers
For new consumers and also to attract potential clients, it is required, as we have mentioned several times, tactics and also a bit of the use of psychology.
These are always a good option to attract customers. However, many times the people who buy are almost always unfaithful users. Very few people are tempted to see the word free, a two-for-one sale ad, or those very conspicuous seventy percent discounts.
Unique and rare
In the same way, if we choose the unique thing or the scarcity of articles, as a method to convince, we can have satisfactory results.
Psychology is not wrong, for example, what remains are only two units, where there is an offer reduced to a duration of two hours, other individuals are asking the same article, they are models of strategies to convince very effectively.
The customer, your prescriber
The clients that you are comfortable with are the best messengers of the brand, for this reason, take advantage of all those indications, recommendations, any opinion that they have, and in this way do a restructuring, apply them and exploit your success story.
Before making the decision to purchase a product or service, many consumers ask questions, some opinions or a recommendation from other users. Keep it simple and show the best opinions of your customers. But yes, it pretends that they are real and not that they seem something artificial.
Tactics to attract new customers
Several of the tactics a company can use to attract new customers include the following:
Use different means of communication: having knowledge of the main disclosure options that clients use, we choose which ones to use to obtain in a more correct way and with the appropriate message for new clients.
- Build a coalition with our partners: if it is known that new consumers are also buyers from other companies and this can become our business partner by providing an item that can increase consumer benefits, the opportunity is seized and thus we attract New customers. An example can be when selling a drink in a renowned restaurant.
- Make renewed lines of articles: this tactic is used by employing renewed lines of articles that give answers and give a better satisfaction to the needs of the client, or that help our present client to use related products.